Welcome to
Yellow Cutter
Wood Service

We provide tree removal services and sell wood chunks for smoking and grilling. Yellow Cutter Wood Service Foods (YCF) is a sister company of Yellow Cutter Wood Service. To find out more about YCF click on the menu icon in the top right corner. 

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Warm morning light at the Sugar Pine Walk, Laurel Hill, NSW, Australia. One of the most peaceful places I’ve ever visited and certainly one of my most favourite to shoot at, the Sugar Pine Walk never fails to impress.

Tree Removal Service

Yellow Cutter Wood Service removes down trees and branches from your property. Trees and branches must be under 2 feet in diameter.

Morning Dew

Cooking Stones

Our granite and marble cooking stones that have been seen in YCF cooking videos and demos are available to the public. Granite and marble cooking slabs can not only add a nonstick element to your grilling, but also add a great texture to the skin of seafood, and help large cuts of fish cook evenly without flipping. Click on the Products tab in the top right corner for details. 

Wood Chunks for Smoking & Grilling

Wood chunks we offer

Shellbark Hickory

A red hickory

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Mockernut Hickory

A white hickory

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Water Oak

A white oak

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Grilling Tutorials & Catering is available through Yellow Cutter Wood Service Foods

Describe your product or give more information.

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